Wednesday, October 17, 2012

For days the Obama camp has been focusing on Big Bird and Romney’s 47% comment.  Upset about stuff that is absolutely true?  PBS runs of taxpayer money, there is no reason for it government subsidized.  And it is true only 53% pay income taxes, and it is true that no matter what Romney does there are some people he will not be able to convince to vote for him, and it is true there are some that will never take personal responsibility or initiative and will continue to live off the government.  So what exactly about that is so disturbing?  The truth???   So when the President and Romney talk about reducing taxes, it doesn’t affect 47% of the people, and dedicated Liberals will vote for Obama no matter what, and it doesn’t matter if it’s Obama or Romney in the oval office, there are those who will continue to live off the government, only with Obama it will be more who are looking for a free handout as a way to live. 


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