For me its not the real democrats, it’s the evil progressive’s/socialists/extreme left that have infiltrated both parties but have taken over the democrat party. And people are so blinded by loyalty to their “party” they refuse to see it has been hijacked and they are being used. This has been in the works for many, many years and if people would actually do research and read, instead of listening to the biased media, they would know this. Most of Obama followers are the young and are gullible and believe they will actually get money/insurance/food/education for nothing. Message for the young, nothing, I mean nothing is ever free; you always pay for what you receive, and you have to ask yourself if you are willing to pay the price they will ask. The other part of his following is a hodge podge of 60’s rejects, supposed “feminists” which are only hurting the cause of women
I do believe in a balance of power, I certainly wouldn’t trust republicans with all the power no more than I would the “democrats”. I believe this country was built on ideas from all different views and melted down to create our constitution and bill of rights
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